I hate to say it, but the celbrity culture has always intressted me! Im not one of these peeple to buy countless numbers of those magazines exposing every single detail about lest say, victoria beckham walked down a road at this time. But i do enjoy a read once in a while, so I have decided to focus my final idea for The best/worst on celbrity culture...but mainly focusing on their worst habbits, there scandles and unfortunes.
For example Parsi Hilton, she is famous simply beacuse her parents did well and are rich, she herself does nothing, never has and undoubtably never will yet the p[ublic have a fascination with her, she as seen a rebellious wildchild by not behaving on what would be expected for an heiress. She is the MOST searched celbrity on google:

Why would anyone care id Paris Hilton had a bunon on her foot?! It is beyond me.
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