Monday 3 March 2008

Ugo Rodinione

Born 1964, Brunnen, Switzerland. Ugo Rondinone's work has been evolving since the mid-1980s, and his works take shape through several media--drawing, painting, video and installations.

In the series titled "I don’t live here anymore",1995, Ugo Rondinone started to digitally manipulate photos of women depicted in various suggestive poses, replacing their features with his own in a sufficiently consistent way for the image to retain its erotic content, and so its hardly noticable unless you study it. By slipping into different bodies, he tests his own body and appearance, and he raises the issue of reality. The artist can only offer his own, man-made version. His later works within this title involes imiages of himself, manipulates in such a way to produce two diffrent identies, they are diffrent but clearly the same person.

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