Monday, 18 February 2008

David Shrigley?

He's a great artist who makes twisted lo-fi drawings, sculptures and other bits. They're often amusing but can also be dark and difficult. He lives in Glasgow where he went to art school. Although he has worked with various media, most of his work is in the form of mordantly humorous cartoons released in softcover books or postcard packs.

Shrigley's work has two of the characteristics often encountered in outsider art - an odd viewpoint, and (in some of his work) a deliberately limited technique. His freehand line is often weak, which jars with his frequent use of a ruler; his forms are often very crude; and annotations in his drawings are poorly executed and frequently contain crossings-out (In authentic outsider art, the artist has no choice but to produce work in his or her own way, even if that work is unconventional in content and inept in execution.
In contrast, it is likely that Shrigley has chosen his style and range of subject matter for comic effect).

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